Presidency School

Annual Day Report

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Dear Madam,
My wife Saguna and I wish to convey our heartfelt congratulations to you and all the others who were involved – the teachers (especially the music, dance and art teachers), students and all the others who were involved. What a wonderful effort it was indeed! Such a huge production and everything worked in smooth perfection from the beginning to the end. Getting all the children involved is in itself quite a task and making them to do things so well is near impossible and you have achieved that. Yes, we must also congratulate the computer teacher who put up such a professional visual display during the introduction and throughout the program. We thought the concept was unique and you actually did manage to translated that into a wonderful, glorious spectacle that enthralled us throughout. As the chief inspiration
and guide we congratulate and salute you.

With warm regards,
Dr.Sudeep Das, Consultant,
Cataract Refractive Lens Surgery,
Nararyana Nethralaya,
121/C, West of Chord Road,
1st ‘R’ Block, Rajajinagar