The 74th Independence Day Celebrations at Presidency School, Nandini Layout was a special and true awe inspiring obeisance to the selfless sacrifices made by the brave sons of our Mother Land. The Principal, Mr Jaya Prakash accompanied by Mr Shah, the Management representative and the team of Rocks-solid support of CODs and HODs, marked the day’s Programmes with the hoisting of the Tricolour. Vatsalya the School Captain threaded the entire sequence of programmes, into a beautiful garland of songs, dances and music that fanned the flame of patriotism in all.
Vajranga U, the School Captain in his speech dedicated the entire day’s celebrations to the Martyrs of Galwanvalley and the passionate protectors of our health- the corona warriors.
The event closed with a song of praise to the Mother land by the beloved Teachers of this great institution.